IsleWrite meets twice a month, once online and once in person. Those present at the meetings are invited to bring copies of their work along and read it to those gathered - it may seem a bit daunting but reading aloud actually helps the writer to hear their work in a different context, and maybe get a new perspective on how it reads and sounds. Meeting numbers usually average between ten and fifteen members at a time, so it's not too intimidating, and is often a rewarding space in which to learn and grow.

Work is restricted to around a maximum of 2000 words due to time constraints, but there is no limit on content. Members might bring along anything from flash fiction to short stories, poems, song lyrics, to extracts from novels or major works - anything you feel you need a bit of help or guidance on, or just to see what other people think. Writing, after all, is meant to be read.

In our discussions we range across a lot of subjects, not always restricted to writing, on style, content, publication, and how we can promote ourselves as a group, and as individuals.

There's a coffee break in the middle and we chat among ourselves about our lives and ambitions. IsleWrite takes its writing seriously, but it's also a social meeting place where fellow writers get together and share not just their writing experience but their life experiences too.

And every Christmas, in the style of Dickens, we head out to a restaurant somewhere, dismiss bah humbug and have a damned good Christmas Lunch.


IsleWrite has published a number of anthologies over the years showcasing the many talents of our members, and everyone who belongs is always welcome to contribute, giving the anthologies a wide and varied content that appeals to many.

Our latest anthology, published in 2020, comprises work from over twenty years of the group's existence and was put together as a celebration of the group's twentieth anniversary.

The anthology, titled TWENTYTHIRTY, is named for the twenty years of IsleWrite and the thirty members who contributed to it over those twenty years.

TWENTYTHIRTY is available to buy HERE

for the writer within

IsleWrite Aspirations


Everyone has dreams, everyone has ambitions, and IsleWrite is there to help towards the achievement of those dreams, whether it be a memoir, a short story, a poem or even a bonkbuster.

We don't tell people what to write, but hope to inspire, learn from and entertain our fellow writers whatever genre they choose to work in.

We welcome new members but turning up to every meeting is not obligatory - we all have busy lives, so members come when they can.